producer . curator . storyteller
"my superpower is my ability to create something out of nothing" - teddy raShaan

portrait by Shaun Champion
teddy raShaan is a multifaceted, award-winning producer and curator that uses his many strengths to capture and curate cultural moments. while transitioning industries might challenge some, it sparks joy for a creative like teddy.​
as a curator of religion at the smithsonian national museum of african-american history and culture (nmaahc), teddy. has created innovative projects that have highlighted the influence of digital technologies in capturing and preserving Black spiritual and religious life in the americas. some of these influential, inaugural projects include the creation of the “Black religion in the age of covid-19 collections project," capturing Black religious and spiritual communities digital response to COVID-19, and producing the upcoming featured documentary film, gOD-Talk, releasing in 2023. The film explores the lives of six Black Millennials (Atheist, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, and Spiritual) and challenges and discoveries of faith in the 21st century.

gOD-Talk documentary
teddy raShaan created and produced the national museum of African American history and culture's first film, god-talk. the film explores the lives of seven Black millennials (atheist, muslim, ifa, buddhist, christians, and spiritualist) and their challenges and discoveries with faith in the 21st century.

photography by oliver blank

film trailer

as featured in